Julia Strain being restrained and Andre’ being unrestrained on last day
We will miss Coca Cola and our lack of disciplined diet as we return home. The Coca Cola made with sugar cane is so good, and the coffee with unprocessed sugar and real cream at breakfast is not on our regular diet. We have a huge cooler in the entrance to the surgery area, full of ice that makes your hands burn as you reach in to grab an ice cold drink.

You can use a forklift for sweeping cob webs 30 feet high
The last patient was taken in to surgery and the team expects to be out a bit early today. Everything went very smoothly for these last five cases on Tuesday. Our total as we leave are twenty cases. We wish we could have done sixty, but as our first year, we felt really good to set a good pattern and learn for next year, with perhaps a second surgeon to perform a larger number during the four days.
We talked last night with some local contacts who are helping to keep an annual scholarship program for high school students going here over the last five years. If any out there would like to impact Belize in a HUGE way, they can do that by transforming the trajectory of the students here who need help staying in high school.