Sunday, the teams headed out to the hospital for surgery, to the house to build it and to two villages to offer free medical evaluations. The vans were all in the parking lot and easy to find today!
The surgery team was able to stay on schedule and hopes to be back at a reasonable hour. Jim Riggs gave us all a devotion on where we might be on our marathon in following Christ and serving here and back home. Breakfast was at 6:30 and the weather is spectacular.
The village teams had to take two ferries to reach their rural villages. The first ferry is open 24 hours a day and is hand cranked by employees. There is no fee to cross, but they also do not charge for help. The cane barges come through on this river several times per day, and the cable must be dropped for the barge and then attached once again. The first village was Copper Bank, a beautiful little village by a lagoon connected to the ocean. We took five vans and chose Sunday as a day with less business and commuter traffic.
The team made it across and sent the farthest team in three vans and the next two had to wait until the ferry came back. The farthest village was Chunox across another ferry.
Over one hundred patients were seen in Chunox and the Dental Team set up with us since the Presbyterian Clinic is closed on Sundays. The patients line up
, are registered and then seem by a nurse.
The patients make their way to the next open doctor and then off to get any scripts filled in the pharmacy.