The team, 62 in number, arrived January 28th, from Oregon through Denver to Houston and from Oregon through San Fran to Houston, and Victoria Brittish Columbia through Portland to Houston, and from St. Paul, and from Dayton/D.C/ Indy/Cincy/Charleston/Omaha….thorough Atlanta or Miami or Houston….. somehow all landing in orchestral order at the Belize City airport with hundreds of bags without a hitch. We made it to dinner by the bay at Tony’s Hotel and Beach Resort in Corozal. After dinner we broke into teams and headed to bed exhausted. Most only had a few hours of sleep before heading to planes. This morning we enjoyed a cold front (that is what the call it here with an apology) of 65 degrees. The locals are freezing, we are all smiles. After breakfast, devotions and a team picture we headed to Orange Walk Hospital and Corozal Hospital seeking patients for the surgery team for the next four days. The constuction team headed to find their house and lumber, and the dental team headed to the Patchakan Presbyterian Clinic. A group remains at the hotel organizing medicines for the first clinic day. Today, the Village Team doctors and nurses are helping the surgery team find the right patients for their surgery. Here is a snapshot of Dr. Jim and Theresa at breakfast. Her in Belize her name is pronounced “tearA’saa.”